The miner2-causalinf-post tool ============================== This utility generates results from the output of the miner2-neo utility You can see the tool's available options when you enter ``miner2-causalinf-post -h`` at the command prompt: .. highlight:: none :: usage: miner2-causalinf-post [-h] expfile mapfile eigengenes neoresults datadir outdir miner2-causalinf-post - MINER post-compute causal inference positional arguments: expfile input matrix mapfile identifier mapping file eigengenes eigengenes.csv file generated by miner-causalinf-pre mutations path to mutations CSV file neoresults NEO results directory datadir data directory outdir output directory optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit Parameters in detail -------------------- ``miner2-causalinf-post`` expects at least these 6 arguments: * **expfile:** The gene expression file a matrix in csv format. * **mapfile:** The gene identifier map file. * **eigengenes:** The eigengenes.csv file created by the miner-causalinf-pre tool * **mutations:** A mutations file in CSV format * **datadir:** the result directory used for miner-neo * **outdir:** The directory where the results of this tool will be stored in Output in detail ---------------- After successful completion there will be the following files in the output directory * ``regulonCausalMechanisticNetwork.csv`` * ``regulonNetworkPValues.json``